Solved Paper of HP Finance And AS Preliminary Exam 2019 – HPPSC Shimla-lll
Q81: Fundamental Rules are applicable to Government Servants whose pay is debitable to _ estimates and any other class of Government Servants too which the president may by general or special orders declare them applicable.
A Civil
B Defence
C Railways
D None of the above
Correct Ans: A
Q82: No relaxations in Fundamental Rules can be made by the Ministry or Department without the concurrence of
A Ministry of Commerce
B Ministry of Finance
C Ministry of Personnel & Training
D Niti Ayog
Correct Ans: B
Q83: As per the provisions contained in FR, the power of interpreting the fundamental rules, in case of Central Government servants, is reserved to the :
A President
B Prime Minister
C Finance Minister
D Law Minister
Correct Ans: A
Q84: A Government Servant may not be treated on duty during:
A Service as a probationer or apprentice provided that such service is followed by confirmation.
B Joining time
C course of instruction or training in India
D None of the above
Correct Ans: D
Q85: Fee include:
A unearned income such as income from property, dividends, and interests on securities
B income from literary, cultural efforts
C Income from participation in sports activities as amateur
D None of the above
Correct Ans: D
Q86: Travelling allowance do not include allowances granted for the maintenance of:
A conveyances
B horses
C tents
D None of the above
Correct Ans: D
Q87: A Government Servant’s lien on a post shall stand terminated on his
A suspension
B leave
C acquiring a lien on another permanent post
D All of the above
Correct Ans: C
Q88: A Government Servant who has acquired lien on a posts do not retains the lien on that post:
A while on foreign service
B during joining time
C while officiating on another post
D None of the above
Correct Ans: D
Q89: Unless the President, in view of the exceptional circumstances of the case otherwise determines, no Government Servant shall be granted leave of any kind for a continuous period exceeding
A five years
B seven years
C three years
D four years
Correct Ans: A
Q90: When the appointment to new post does not involve assumption of duties and responsibilities of greater importance, the pay
is fixed under
A FR 22(I)a(1)
B FR 22(I)a(2)
C FR 22(I)a(3)
D None of the above
Correct Ans: B
Q91: Following service does not counts for increment
A Training period during service.
B Service on another post carrying less pay
C Joining time
D All of the above
Correct Ans: B
Q92: The subsistence allowance initially is allowed at an amount equal to the leave salary which the Government Servant would have drawn if he had been on
A Half pay leave
B Earned Leave
C Commuted Leave
D Maternity leave.
Correct Ans: A
Q93: The amount of subsistence allowance may be increased or decreased by a suitable amount not exceeding _ of the subsistence allowance admissible during the first three months after review
A 40%
B 25%
C 50%
D 30%
Correct Ans: C
Q94: Which of the following recoveries cannot be made from the subsistence allowance ?
A Contribution towards Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme
B Income Tax
C Subscription towards General Provident Fund
D None of the above
Correct Ans: C
Q95: Which of the following leaves can be sanctioned to a Government Servant while under suspension
A Earned Leave
B Half Pay Leave
C Commuted Leave
D None of the above
Correct Ans: D
Q96: Government has a right to retire any Group A Government Servant who had entered Government Service before attaining the age of 35 years, after he has attained the age _______years by giving him notice of not less than three months in writing or three months pay and allowances in lieu of such notice.
A 40 years
B 50 years
C 30 years
D 45 years
Correct Ans: B
Q97: The source of payment of honorarium is :
A Consolidated fund of India / UT / State
B Any other source other than the consolidated fund
C both Consolidated fund or any other source
D None of the above
Correct Ans: A
Q98: The source of payment of fee is
A Consolidated fund of India / UT / State
B Any other source other than the consolidated fund
C both Consolidated fund or any other source
D None of the above
Correct Ans: B
Q99: While a Government Servant is in foreign service in India following contributions are payable to the parent employer as per the terms and conditions settled in advance.
A Pension Contribution
B Leave Salary Contribution
C Both pension contribution and leave salary contribution
D None of the above
Correct Ans: C
Q100: Cash does not include
A legal tender
B Book Transfer
C revenue stamps
D None of the above
Correct Ans: B
Q101: Expenditure which is not subject to vote of the legislature is called
A Charged expenditure
B Voted Expenditure
C Capital Expenditure
D Revenue Expenditure.
Correct Ans: A
Q102: “Goods” do not mean
A livestock
B spares
C books for library
D Furniture
Correct Ans: C
Q103: Government means
A Head of Department
B Administrative Department
C Head of Office
D None of the above
Correct Ans: B
Q104: __ may lay down limits of imprest amounts to be maintained by various subordinate officers under its control and issue instruction thereto.
A Head of Department
B Administrative Department
C Head of Office
D Finance Department
Correct Ans: B
Q105: Instructions regarding the preparation and payment of establishment and traveling allowance bills are contained in
A Himachal Pradesh Financial Rules
B Account Codes
C Treasury Rules
D All of the above
Correct Ans: C
Q106: Responsibility for ensuring that relevant checks including verification of the total amount entered in the pay bills are applied and in case of failure to observe these checks liability to make good any loss rests with:
A Head of the Department
B Drawing and Disbursing Officers
C Head of Offices
D Administrative Department
Correct Ans: B
Q107: _ may by assigning reasons may remit the disallowances by Audit and / or write off of overpayments made to Government Servants
A Finance Department
B Administrative Department
C Head of Department
D None of the above
Correct Ans: A
Q108: All losses exceeding Rs. _ of immovable property caused by fire, flood, cyclone, earthquake or any other natural calamity shall be reported by the Subordinate Authority concerned to the Government through proper channel for appropriate action
A Ten thousand
B Twenty thousand
C Fifty thousand
D Thirty thousand
Correct Ans: C
Q109: A sanction for any fresh charge shall, unless specifically renewed or currency is specified, lapse if no payment in whole or part has been made during the period of __ months from the date of issue of such sanction.
A twelve months
B six months
C three months
D Two months
Correct Ans: A
Q110: Funds made available under Vote on Account shall not be utilized for expenditure on
A routine expenditure
B revenue expenditure
C expenditure on a new service
D None of the above
Correct Ans: C
Q111: Subject to the instructions issued/specific restrictions imposed by the Finance Department in this behalf, no re-appropriation of funds shall be made without prior approval of
A Administrative Department
B Finance Department
C Head of Department
D Head of Office.
Correct Ans: B
Q112: As per the provisions in HPFR, Government Accounts shall be prepared on
A Cash basis
B accrual basis
C Cash basis or on such basis as may be prescribed as per the advice of Accountant General.
D None of the above
Correct Ans: C
Q113: Authority to allow opening of a new Head of Account rest with
A Administrative Department
B Head of Department
C Finance Department
D Head of Office.
Correct Ans: C
Q114: _ expenditure are those expenditure which are incurred with the object of acquiring tangible assets of a permanent nature for use in the organization or enhancing the utility of existing assets
A Revenue Expenditure
B Capital Expenditure
C other expenditure
D Contingent Expenditure
Correct Ans: B
Q115: Appropriation Accounts and Finance Accounts of the State Government are prepared by the
A State Government
B Accountant General
C Finance Department
D Head of the Department.
Correct Ans: B
Q116: Every personal ledger account authorized to be opened, shall form part of the
A Consolidated fund of the State
B Contingency fund
C Public Account of the State
D All of the above
Correct Ans: C
Q117: Purchase of goods up to monetary value not exceeding Rs 3000/- (Rs. Three thousands only) on each occasion subject of a maximum of _ in a financial year may be made by Head of Department, Controlling Officer and Drawing and Disbursing Officer without inviting quotations on the basis of certificate to be recorded by the authorized officer.
A Fifty thousand
B Twenty thousand
C One Lakh
D Sixty thousand.
Correct Ans: A
Q118: Minimum time to be allowed for submission of bids where the procurement entity contemplates obtaining bids from abroad, shall be ________weeks from the date of publication of tender notice or availability of tender document for sale whichever is
A three weeks
B four weeks
C two weeks
D Six weeks
Correct Ans: B
Q119: Amount of earnest money shall be between _ of the estimated value of goods to be procured
A five to ten percent
B two to five percent
C three to five percent
D five to seven percent
Correct Ans: B
Q120: The time limit for submission of LTC Claims by Government Servants, when advance has been drawn, shall be
A one month from the due date
B two months from the due date
C three months from the due date
D None of the above
Correct Ans: A
Solved Paper of HP Finance And AS Preliminary Exam 2019 – HPPSC Shimla-lll
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