Rules And Regulations For Girls Hostel : SPU Mandi
Sardar Patel University Mandi presently maintains ONE hostel named MANDAV CHHATRA AAWASat Mandav Complex for girl students admitted in various Ph.D, P.G. and U.G. courses. There are 33seats for girls. The students cannot claim admission to the hostels as a matter of right as admission to the hostel is restricted to the above said intake capacity/vacancy available.
In hostels there are facilities of Mess, Internet connectivity through Wi-Fi and LAN, Common Room equipped with LED TV, current magazines, newspapers and Indoor games etc. The hostel has its own mess. The hostel has the facility of Medical Inspection room and Guest House is also available in the Hostel. Besides this, hostel is under CCTv surveillance 24×7.
The rules for resident students are available hereunder for the perusal and compliance of the students seeking admission in the hostel:
I. All Rights of Admission to the University Hostel are reserved with the Dean Student Welfare (DSW) (W). These rights shall be exercised on the recommendations of the DSW/Warden. All admissions will be made strictly on the basis of merit in the qualifying examination.
II. Admission to the University hostels will be open at the beginning of the session and the students will be admitted on the basis of merit.
However, 15% and 7.5% of the seats available shall be reserved for students’belonging to scheduled castes and scheduled tribes respectively. The 10% of the seats available shall be reserved for Economically Weaker Section (EWS). In addition to this, on the directions of Hon’ble High Court of H.P., 5 % seats are reserved for the persons with disability.
The remaining 23 (Twenty Three) unreserved seats shall be divided between different departments.
III. The merit for admission to the hostel seats will be the same as forms the basis for admission in eachacourse under different teaching departments.
IV. A candidate who applies for admission in any reserved category, but is admitted in the general category because of her merit will be considered in the category mentioned in her application form for the purpose of admission to hostel provided she is eligible in that category.
V. If any hostel seat under any category remains vacant then it can be converted into other category as per University norms.
VI. The Hostel will formally close on the day of the last regular examination. Each boarder will have to vacate her room within 72 hours of the termination of her regular examination. Fine per day or any disciplinary action, if required, will be taken for Overstay.
VII. Research Scholars and students of Post Graduate classes who are doing their work may be permitted to stay in the hostel during vacation on the specific recommendation of the Chairman/Supervisor. The students belonging to the tribal area who cannot go to their homes due to bad weather will also be permitted to stay in the hostel during the vacation on the specific recommendation of the Chairman of the department concerned.
VIII. Admission shall be sought afresh in every academic session and will be confirmed subject to the following conditions:
(i) Receipt of a duplicate admission form duly signed by the parents/ guardian of the resident. At the time of admission an applicant will fill such a form and attach a duly stamped envelope addressed to her parents guardian;
(ii) Satisfaction of the DSW/Warden regarding proper conduct and regular payment of dues of hostel and mess;
(iii) Hostel may be allowed to a student for pursuing Post Graduate Degree/Professional Course for a maximum period of two/three years depending upon the duration of course as well as availability of room in the hostel.
(iv) No student pursuing second Post-Graduate Degree/Professional Course will be admitted/re-admitted to the hostel
(v) A student will be allowed to Stay in the hostel for a maximum of three years for pursuing research degree(s). However, the admission of the boarder(s) will be cancelled the moment, she gets a job in the Govt./Private/Corporation/ any other institution during the time of studies.
IX. Admission to the hostel for the academic year will close 15 days after the close of admission to the department.
X. Residents shall see the DSW/Warden for official business in the office during fixed hours. In case of emergency, the Chowkidar on duty should be sent to the DSW/Warden residence
XI. Residence’ should not keep cash or jewellery or other valuable in their rooms. The responsibility for safety of their belongings will be entirely that of the residents. The residents are advised to take out an insurance against theft and fire.
XII. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the Common Room, Reading Room, Dining and Kitchen Areas.
XIII. Residents permitting or abetting unauthorized occupation of the rooms/seats shall be liable to:
a) Expulsion from the hostel;
b) Forfeiture of securities; and
c)Imposition of fine by the DSW.
XIV. In case of non-payment of dues or violation of anyone of the hostel rules by a resident, the DSW/Warden may get her room locked.
XV. Every resident shall be responsible for the safety of the furniture given to her. Furniture is not to be removed from one room to another. Replacement of chair for canning or replacement of cot during the session may be done by paying charges as per rules.
Damage to hostel property is a serious offence. Any boarder found guilty of damaging hostel property will be liable for disciplinary action as per hostel rules including expulsion from the hostel/University.
XVI. The telephone is meant for office use only.
XVII. Gambling use of intoxicants and keeping, of arms in the hostel premises (including room) are strictly prohibited. Residents found guilty of any such lapse in this regard will be liable to a fine of Rs. 1000/- and/or expulsion from the hostel. All rooms (including almirahs and belongings) wi be open for inspection by the DSW/ Warden at any time
XVIII. An undertaking on a prescribed proforma from the students and their parents will be obtained at the time of admission in the hostels to the effect that she will not participate in any political and in disciplinary activities which harms the social, academic and congenial environment of the Hostel/University.
XIX. Before leaving the hostel every resident shall obtain clearance from DSW/Warden and personally hand over the charge of the room and hostel property, repair charges for any damage to the furniture will have to be paid by the residents. During vacation all boarders will deposit their room keys with the hostel Clerk/Warden failing which the result of the defaulters will be withheld.
Rules And Regulations For Girls Hostel : SPU Mandi
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