HRTC Conductor Document Verification Schedule 2024 -HPPSC Shimla
The erstwhile HPSSC Hamirpur advertised 360 {Unreserved =130, Unreserved (Wards of Freedom Fighters) = 04, Economically Weaker Section of H.P. =38, OBC of HP =63, OBC of HP (BPL) =13, OBC of HP (wards of freedom fighters) =02, Scheduled Caste of HP =73, Scheduled Caste of HP (BPL) =13, Scheduled Caste of HP (Wards of Freedom Fighters) =04, Scheduled Tribe of HP =15, Scheduled Tribe of HP (BPL) =05}posts of conductors ( posts Code-1031) in HRTC vide advertisement No. 38-5/2022 dated 24-09-2022, which were re-advertised by the HP Public Service Commission vide advertisement No. 4/4-2023 dated 04-04-2023.
The screening test was conducted on 10.12.2022 and result of shortlisted candidates thereof was declared vide Notice dated 03.02.2024 in which 826 candidates have been shortlisted for document verification.
It is for information of all concerned shortlisted candidates that the process of Document Verification will be undertaken by the HPPSC as per schedule given below.
The shortlisted candidates are advised to attend the Document Verification alongwith all original documents on the fixed date at HPPSC Nigam Vihar Shimla-171002 at 10:30 AM. No further opportunity will be provided to the candidates to attend the Document Verification after the scheduled date and they will be treated absent and their candidature will also be finally rejected. No request for any change in date allotted to candidates for Document Verification will ordinarily be entertained.
Dated 19-02-2024 :
10120021 10120787 10121426 10122289 10122744 10123695
10120114 10120856 10121538 10122346 10122787 10123700
10120244 10120902 10121673 10122350 10122877 10123725
10120254 10120973 10121889 10122397 10123048 10123745
10120288 10121013 10121936 10122429 10123184 10123882
10120465 10121071 10121956 10122511 10123190 10123986
10120497 10121077 10121974 10122572 10123217 10124029
10120683 10121231 10121998 10122606 10123275 10124031
10120725 10121285 10122130 10122628 10123281 10124070
10120748 10121394 10122250 10122650 10123453 10124074
Total 60 Candidates
Dated 20-02-2024
10124079 10124692 10125198 10125697 10126046 10126890
10124163 10124758 10125219 10125750 10126084 10126967
10124182 10124928 10125226 10125752 10126211 10127006
10124260 10124930 10125366 10125756 10126284 10127163
10124342 10124956 10125476 10125786 10126300 10127193
10124410 10125003 10125537 10125824 10126348 10127257
10124474 10125045 10125559 10125863 10126422 10127273
10124516 10125088 10125580 10125890 10126478 10127278
10124525 10125123 10125602 10125934 10126577 10127335
10124603 10125161 10125625 10125981 10126745 10127364
Total 60 Candidates.
Dated 21-02-2024
10127489 10127867 10128621 10129321 10129592 10130237
10127505 10127983 10128705 10129340 10129631 10130300
10127608 10128041 10128708 10129367 10129652 10130362
10127615 10128070 10128757 10129425 10129823 10130381
10127681 10128159 10128844 10129480 10129824 10130435
10127698 10128165 10129033 10129508 10129896 10130499
10127699 10128263 10129199 10129528 10130046 10130590
10127715 10128364 10129222 10129540 10130065 10130593
10127799 10128367 10129239 10129551 10130104 10130656
10127822 10128441 10129304 10129569 10130229 10130700
Total 60 Candidates
Dated 22-02-2024
10130741 10131584 10132115 10132622 10133348 10134022
10131071 10131586 10132143 10132839 10133361 10134092
10131078 10131607 10132266 10132915 10133383 10134134
10131095 10131686 10132334 10133023 10133477 10134357
10131097 10131692 10132369 10133173 10133498 10134476
10131200 10131741 10132386 10133233 10133601 10134628
10131330 10131837 10132414 10133272 10133717 10134656
10131474 10131841 10132436 10133276 10133749 10134797
10131515 10131877 10132585 10133338 10133838 10134808
10131555 10132012 10132586 10133344 10133904 10134839
Total 60 Candidates
Dated 23-02-2024
10134875 10135349 10135719 10136314 10136793 10137480
10134912 10135367 10135759 10136331 10136817 10137483
10134939 10135438 10135783 10136333 10136819 10137485
10134964 10135491 10135805 10136384 10136900 10137518
10134969 10135523 10135840 10136399 10137071 10137605
10135076 10135529 10135962 10136434 10137152 10137607
10135111 10135546 10136062 10136441 10137197 10137685
10135133 10135606 10136118 10136459 10137241 10137752
10135139 10135620 10136198 10136546 10137326 10137830
10135329 10135666 10136259 10136663 10137458 10137858
Total 60 Candidates
Dated 26-02-2024
10137859 10138308 10138761 10139504 10140125 10140600
10137870 10138391 10138773 10139551 10140126 10140636
10137877 10138482 10138832 10139654 10140154 10140762
10137888 10138526 10139033 10139728 10140204 10140794
10138054 10138532 10139074 10139762 10140270 10140875
10138086 10138574 10139110 10139802 10140271 10140913
10138231 10138586 10139115 10140025 10140344 10140935
10138244 10138602 10139156 10140044 10140435 10140988
10138267 10138670 10139201 10140056 10140485 10140998
10138280 10138728 10139500 10140070 10140521 10141063
Total 60 Candidates
Dated 27-02-2024
10141074 10141565 10142120 10142575 10142947 10143173
10141100 10141611 10142142 10142660 10142979 10143202
10141101 10141629 10142274 10142671 10142989 10143216
10141123 10141659 10142334 10142739 10143004 10143243
10141338 10141679 10142347 10142766 10143058 10143282
10141349 10141898 10142414 10142792 10143067 10143340
10141398 10141902 10142421 10142808 10143121 10143344
10141481 10141973 10142453 10142848 10143127 10143375
10141530 10142045 10142501 10142887 10143153 10143429
10141540 10142104 10142535 10142928 10143171 10143437
Total 60 Candidates
Dated 28-02-2024
10143485 10143921 10144332 10144793 10145083 10145889
10143539 10143954 10144364 10144794 10145095 10145890
10143718 10143980 10144399 10144798 10145260 10145996
10143759 10144105 10144421 10144813 10145449 10146016
10143781 10144130 10144440 10144899 10145506 10146097
10143792 10144166 10144566 10144901 10145536 10146222
10143820 10144183 10144596 10144967 10145538 10146299
10143833 10144220 10144623 10145005 10145572 10146328
10143847 10144250 10144632 10145021 10145599 10146331
10143900 10144258 10144748 10145061 10145681 10146438
Total 60 Candidates
Dated 29-02-2024
10146461 10147039 10147381 10147843 10148169 10148754
10146473 10147079 10147447 10147855 10148346 10148758
10146514 10147084 10147467 10147884 10148358 10148776
10146691 10147149 10147498 10147889 10148377 10148802
10146712 10147186 10147605 10147893 10148442 10148983
10146863 10147216 10147629 10147923 10148643 10149005
10146915 10147228 10147668 10148007 10148652 10149040
10146925 10147230 10147717 10148009 10148655 10149169
10146935 10147303 10147770 10148057 10148697 10149241
10146946 10147352 10147828 10148157 10148700 10149318
Total 60 Candidates
Dated 01-03-2024
10149433 10150008 10150405 10150835 10151240 10151494
10149468 10150043 10150532 10150879 10151265 10151521
10149499 10150089 10150546 10150924 10151317 10151533
10149574 10150167 10150552 10150937 10151362 10151559
10149593 10150186 10150600 10150966 10151373 10151566
10149595 10150279 10150617 10150979 10151383 10151567
10149686 10150340 10150760 10151066 10151404 10151578
10149761 10150374 10150762 10151100 10151428 10151580
10149816 10150391 10150785 10151158 10151437 10151644
10149928 10150396 10150828 10151185 10151444 10151666
Total 60 Candidates
Dated 02-03-2024
10151704 10152353 10152723 10152916 10153157 10153502
10151724 10152385 10152733 10152919 10153213 10153516
10151750 10152417 10152750 10152979 10153276 10153547
10151826 10152448 10152758 10152997 10153280 10153855
10151897 10152503 10152793 10153014 10153295 10153876
10151991 10152526 10152842 10153041 10153299 10153887
10152038 10152545 10152873 10153045 10153339 10154118
10152076 10152549 10152876 10153065 10153344 10154121
10152262 10152583 10152884 10153070 10153365 10154141
10152269 10152588 10152905 10153117 10153438 10154180
Total 60 Candidates
Dated 04-03-2024
10154199 10154725 10155570 10155825 10156279 10156449
10154232 10154740 10155575 10155921 10156283 10156497
10154258 10154819 10155640 10155932 10156284 10156511
10154352 10154822 10155652 10155941 10156295 10156527
10154408 10154903 10155726 10155992 10156304 10156544
10154455 10155111 10155744 10156033 10156328 10156551
10154541 10155125 10155770 10156160 10156337 10156561
10154674 10155246 10155773 10156252 10156386 10156591
10154688 10155370 10155788 10156270 10156387 10156658
10154705 10155555 10155795 10156273 10156428 10156699
Total 60 Candidates
Dated 05-03-2024
10156787 10157193 10157595 10157722 10158000 10158253
10156810 10157194 10157600 10157824 10158007 10158349
10156832 10157221 10157610 10157828 10158008 10158455
10156877 10157290 10157630 10157835 10158014 10158621
10156907 10157330 10157638 10157849 10158070 10158628
10156946 10157370 10157644 10157850 10158141 10158683
10157113 10157473 10157679 10157882 10158151 10158750
10157153 10157485 10157698 10157899 10158211 10158802
10157168 10157530 10157702 10157913 10158213 10158918
10157174 10157578 10157715 10157942 10158215 10159144
Total 60 Candidates
Dated 06-03-2024
10159336 10159786 10160664 10161478 10162405
10159337 10159856 10160761 10161676 10162426
10159399 10160039 10160788 10161679 10162538
10159422 10160053 10160930 10161769 10162592
10159477 10160091 10160952 10162085 10162602
10159533 10160153 10160977 10162111 10163042
10159602 10160306 10161074 10162164
10159671 10160499 10161115 10162266
10159679 10160539 10161350 10162355
10159752 10160544 10161362 10162392
Total 46 Candidates
The candidates are directed to bring following documents on the day of document verification:
- Educational qualification
i) Matriculation Certificate.
ii) 10 +2 Certificate.
iii) Conductor License, valid on the closing date of Online
Recruitment Application as well as on the day of document
verification. - Himachali Bonafide Certificate.
- Category Certificate of SC,ST,OBC,WFF & BPL categories wherever applicable and EWS or BPL certificate along with Non- SC/ST/OBC certificate. All these certificates should be valid on the closing date of Online Recruitment Application as well as on the day of document verification and should have been issued by the competent authority as notified by the Govt. from time to time.
- The candidates are also being informed through their e-mails made available in their applications by them. In case of any query, the candidates may contact the HPPSC
office on any working day from 10:00AM to 5:00 PM on telephone No. 0177-
2624313 and Toll free No. 1800-180-8004.
HRTC Conductor Document Verification Schedule 2024 -HPPSC Shimla
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