HPU Shimla Clerk, Driver, JOA (IT) & Other Posts Recruitment 2022
Himachal Pradesh University Shimla invited online Application from eligible and desirous candidates for the recruitment of various posts. The interested candidates may apply through Online Recruitment Portal of the University .
Table of Contents
Important Dates :
Starting Date to Apply online : 07/01/2022
Last date to Apply online : 29/01/2022
The candidates who have already applied against the advertisement No. Rectt-18/2020 dated 01.06.2020 need not to apply again. However, they may upload additional information, if any.
Vacancy Detail :
Name of post & Pay scale | Nos. of Post(s) |
Category – B | |
1. Librarian (on regular basis) Pay Scale: Rs.37400-67000+10000AGP | Gen =1(UR) |
2. Assistant Librarian, HPU Main Library (on regular basis) Pay Scale: Rs.15600-39100+6000AGP | Gen =2(UR) |
3. Assistant Librarian, RC Dharamshala (on contract basis) Pay Scale: Rs.15600-39100+6000AGP | Gen =1(UR) |
4. Medical Officer(Dental)( on contract basis) Pay Scale: Rs.15600-39100+5400GP | Gen =1(UR) |
5. Medical Officer (Allopathic) (on contract basis) Pay Scale: Rs.15600-39100+5400GP | Gen=1(UR) |
6. Assistant Architect (on contract basis) Pay Scale: Rs.15600-39100+5400 (GP) | Gen=1(UR) |
7. Public Relation Officer (PRO) (on contract basis) Pay Scale: Rs.10300-34800+5000GP | Gen =1(UR) |
8. System Analyst (UIT) (on contract basis) Pay Scale: Rs. 10300-34800+5000 (GP) | Gen =1(UR) |
9. Computer Programmer (on contract basis) Pay Scale: Rs. 10300-34800+5000 (GP) | Total=2 SC 1(UR), OBC-1 (UR) |
Category – C | |
10. Law Officer (on contract basis) Pay Scale: Rs.10300-34800+4400 (GP) | Gen =3(UR) |
11.Assistant Librarian, (on contract basis) Pay Scale: Rs. 5910-20200+ 2400 (GP) | (i) HPU Model School Gen=1(UR) (ii) University Institute of Technology (UIT) Gen=1(UR) |
12.Clerk (on contract basis ) Pay Scale: Rs. 5910-20200+1900 (GP) | Total =54 Gen=25 (UR-15, Ex-SM-6, DSP-3, PBD(AID)-1), EWS-8 SC=11 (UR-6, Ex-SM-4, WFF-1), ST=4 (UR-2, Ex-SM-2), OBC=6 (UR-3, Ex-SM-2, Antodaya/ BPL-1) |
13.Junior Office Assistant (IT) (on contract basis) Pay Scale: Rs. 5910-20200+1950GP | Total =37 Gen=18 {UR-2, Ex-SM-9, DSP-3, PBD-4(1-BLV, 1-DHH,1- LD,1-AID)}, EWS-3 SC=7 (UR-2, Ex-SM-3, Antoydaya/BPL-1, WFF-1), ST=1(Ex-SM), OBC=8 (UR-5, Ex-SM-2, Antoydaya/ BPL-1) |
14.Junior Office Assistant (Accounts) (on contract basis) Pay Scale: Rs. 5910-20200+1950GP | Total =4 Gen =3(UR) SC=1(UR) |
15.Language Teacher (LT) (on contract basis) Pay Scale: Rs. 5910-20200+3000GP | HPU Model School Gen=1(UR) |
16.Data Entry Operator (on contract basis) Pay Scale: Rs. 5910-20200+1900GP | Gen =3(UR) |
17.Junior Engineer (Civil) (on contract basis) Pay Scale: Rs. 10300-34800+3800GP | Total =7 Gen=4 {UR-3,Ex-SM-1} EWS-1 SC=1(UR) OBC=1(UR) |
18.Junior Engineer (Electrical) (on contract basis) Pay Scale: Rs. 10300-34800+3800 GP | Total=3 Gen=3(UR) |
19.Conductor (on contract basis) Pay Scale: Rs. 5910-20200+1900 GP. | Total =2 SC=1(UR) OBC=1(UR) |
20.JBT (on contract basis) Pay Scale: Rs. 5910-20200+3000GP. | HPU Model School Total=2 Gen=1(UR), 1=UR(Ex-SM) |
21.Driver (H/V) (on contract basis) Pay Scale: Rs.5910-20200+2000GP. | Total=1 SC-1(UR) |
22.Driver (L/V) (on contract basis) Pay Scale: Rs. 5910-20200+2000GP | Total=5 Gen=1(UR), EWS=1, OBC=1(UR), SC=1(UR), ST-1(UR). |
23.Auxiliary Nurse Mid Wife (on contract basis) Pay Scale: Rs.5910-20200+1900GP. | Gen-1(UR) |
Category-D | |
24.Peon (on daily wages basis, rates as notified by Govt. of H.P.) | Total=92 Gen=41 {UR-26, Ex-SM-8, PBD-4, DSP-3}, EWS-10, SC=20 {UR-13, Ex-SM-3, WFF-1, Antyodaya/BPL-3} ST=5{UR-3, Ex-SM-1, Antyodaya/BPL-1}, OBC= 16{UR-11, Ex-SM-2, Antyodaya/BPL-3} |
25.Chowkidar (on daily wages basis, rates as notified by Govt. of H.P.) | Total =28 Gen=13 {UR-8, Ex-SM-3, WFF-1,PBD-1}, EWS-3 SC=6(UR), ST=1(Ex-SM), OBC=5(UR-4, Antyodaya/BPL-1) |
26.Mali (on daily wages basis, rates as notified by Govt. of H.P.) | Total = 7 Gen=4 UR-3, UR(Ex-SM-1), EWS-1, SC=1(UR), OBC=1(UR) |
27.Beldar (on daily wages basis, rates as notified by Govt. of H.P.) | Total =2 Gen =(Ex-SM-1), ST=1(UR) |
28.Mess Helper (on daily wages basis, rates as notified by Govt. of H.P.) | Total = 6 Gen=2 (UR), EWS-1 SC=1(Ex-SM), ST=1(UR), OBC=1(UR) |
29.Sewerman (on daily wages basis, rates as notified by Govt. of H.P.) | Total = 3 Gen-3(UR) |
Educational Qualification : Various Vacancy in HPU Shimla : No. of Posts – 274
Librarian (on regular basis) :
The Educational qualifications for the posts at Sr. No. 1 to 3 shall be the same as prescribed by the UGC under Regulations 2018 and adopted by the University vide Notification No: 3-5/78 HPU(Genl.) Vol-VIII Dated- 19-01-2019 and 21-11- 2019).The candidate may also referred to UGC website http://www.ugc.ac.in.
Assistant Librarian, HPU Main Library (on regular basis) :
The Educational qualifications for the posts at Sr. No. 1 to 3 shall be the same as prescribed by the UGC under Regulations 2018 and adopted by the University vide Notification No: 3-5/78 HPU(Genl.) Vol-VIII Dated- 19-01-2019 and 21-11- 2019).The candidate may also referred to UGC website http://www.ugc.ac.in.
Assistant Librarian, RC Dharamshala (on contract basis)
The Educational qualifications for the posts at Sr. No. 1 to 3 shall be the same as prescribed by the UGC under Regulations 2018 and adopted by the University vide Notification No: 3-5/78 HPU(Genl.) Vol-VIII Dated- 19-01-2019 and 21-11- 2019).The candidate may also referred to UGC website http://www.ugc.ac.in.
Medical Officer (Dental)( on contract basis) :
A Bachelor of Dental Surgery Degree from the Institute recognized by the Dental Council of India.
Registered with State Dental Council.
Desirable Qualification(s):
A Post Graduate Degree (MDS) in Dentistry.
Medical Officer (Allopathic) (on contract basis) :
Recognized Medical qualification included in the first or second schedule of part-II of the third schedule other than licentiate qualifications to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. The holders of educational qualification included in
Part-II of the third schedule should fulfil the conditions stipulated in sub Section (3) of Section 13 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. Completion of compulsory rotating internship.
Post Graduate Degree or Diploma included in the first or second schedule of part-II of the third schedule (other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. The holders of)educational qualification included in Part-II of the third schedule should fulfil the conditions stipulated in sub Section (3) of Section 13 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956.
A post graduate qualification from a recognized institution as mentioned in Appendix-A to the Notification No:Health-AA(3)2/97(Loose) Dated: 09-03-2012 adopted by the University vide Notification No.: 3-9/77-HPU(Genl.) Dated:-14-07- 2014 available on UniversityWebsite.
Assistant Architect (on contract basis) :
a) Degree in Architecture or its equivalent from a recognized University or an institute duly recognized by the Central/State Govt.
b)At least two year experience in the field of Architecture after qualifying for the degree in Architecture.
Preference will be given to those Architects who get registration under The Architect Act, 1972.
Public Relation Officer (PRO) (on contract basis) :
Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication or Bachelor of Public Relations or Bachelor of Public Relations & Advertising from a recognized University.
Post Graduate Degree/Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communications or Post Graduate Degree/Diploma in Public Relations or Post Graduate Degree/Diploma in Public Relations & Advertising from a recognized University.
Three years professional experience in Public Relations/ Journalism/ Mass Communication in any Government Department/ Public Sector Undertaking and Newspaper/ Electronic Media/ organization of standing gained after obtaining essential educational qualifications.
System Analyst (UIT) (on contract basis) :
>Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science & Engineering/Computer Application/Information Technology
or its equivalent from a recognized University or from an Institute duly recognized by the H.P./Central Govt.
>Master Degree in Physics/ mathematics/ economics/ Statistics or its equivalent from a recognized University; and
>Post Graduate Diploma of at least one year duration in Computer Application or its equivalent from a recognized University or from an Institute duly recognized by the H.P./ Central Govt.
>Master degree in Information Technology/ Computer Science/ Computer Application (MCA) or its equivalent from a recognized University or from an Institute duly recognized by the H.P. / Central Govt.
> “B” LEVEL course from DOEACC Society/ National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology (NIELIT).
Computer Programmer (on contract basis) :
>MCA or B.E./ B.Tech Degree in Information Technology/ Computer Science Engineering from a recognized University or from an Institute duly recognized by the Central/ H.P. Government.
>‘B’ Level course from DOEACC/ NIELIT Society.
>Atleast 6 years experience as Computer Operator/ Technical Assistant or its equivalent post from Govt./ Semi Government Organization/ Private Sector after acquiring essential qualifications.
Law Officer (on contract basis) :
>A professional degree in Law from a recognized University or its equivalent.
>At least 5 year experience as an Advocate.
Assistant Librarian, (on contract basis) :
Should be graduate in any discipline or its equivalent from a recognized Institute with one year diploma or certificate in Library Science/ Library & Information Science from a recognized Board/ University or Graduate in any discipline with bachelor degree in library science/ Library & Information Science.
Clerk (on contract basis ) :
>Bachelor’s Degree or its equivalent from a recognized University.
>Should possess a minimum speed of 30 words per minute in English type writing or 25 words per minute in Hindi Type-writing on computer.
Junior Office Assistant (IT) (on contract basis)
>Should have passed 10+2 Examination from a recognized Board of School Education/ University.
>Matriculation from recognized Board of School Education with one/two year’s Diploma/ Certificate from an Industrial Training Institute (ITI) in Information Technology (IT) & Information Technology Enabled Sectors (ITES) as notified by Director General of Employment & Training(Govt. of India) from time to time or three years Diploma in Computer Engineering/ Computer Science/ IT from a Polytechnic as approved by All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE);
>Computer typing speed of 30 words per minute in English or 25 words per minute in Hindi.
Junior Office Assistant (Accounts) (on contract basis)
>B.Com with 50 % marks from a recognized University.
Note: Candidates having M.Com qualification must have passed B.Com at Graduation level.
Desirable Qualifications
>Training and proficiency in use of accounting software’s like Talley/SAP /ERP.)
Language Teacher (LT) (on contract basis)
(i) B.A. with Hindi as an elective subject and 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known)
>BA with at least 50% marks with Hindi as an elective subject and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.)
>BA with at least 45% marks with Hindi as an elective subject and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.) in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms & Procedure Regulations issued from time to time in this regard.
>B.A. with at least 50% marks with Hindi as an elective subject and 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.) special Education.
>Prabhakar (Honours in Hindi) with 50% marks followed by B.A. Examination (English and one additional subject) with 50% marks from a recognized University and 1-year Bachelor in Education(B.Ed.)
>M.A.(Hindi) with at least 50% Marks from a recognized University and 1-year Bachelor in Education(B.Ed.)
(ii) Pass in Teacher Eligibility Test (TET Language Teacher) duly
conducted by HP Board of School Education, Dharamshala. Provided that the incumbents who have already qualified the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) conducted by the H.P. Subordinate Services Selection Board, Hamirpur shall also be eligible subject to the condition as laid down in Para-II of the guidelines issued by the National Council for Teacher Education vide No. 76-4/2010/NCTE/Acad. Dated 11-02-2011.
Note: Relaxation up to 5% will be allowed in minimum educational qualifications and also in minimum qualifying marks for TET to the candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PH categories of Himachal Pradesh.
Data Entry Operator (on contract basis) :
Should have passed 10+2 examination or its equivalent from a recognized Board of School Education/ University.
Diploma of atleast 06 month duration in Computer or its equivalent from a recognized University or from an Institution duly recognized by the H.P./ Central Govt.
Junior Engineer (Civil) (on contract basis)
>Should have passed Matric or 10+2 Examination or its equivalent from a recognized Board of School Education/ University.
>Regular full time Diploma in Civil Engineering (03 years) or B.E./ B.Tech. Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or from an institution duly recognized by the Central or State Govt.
Junior Engineer (Electrical) (on contract basis)
Diploma/ Degree in Electrical Engineering or Electronics Engineering from an Institution recognized by the State Govt./Central Govt.
Conductor (on contract basis)
>10+2 passed from any Board of School Education/ University recognized by the Govt. of H.P.
>Possess valid conductor’s license.
JBT (on contract basis)
(i) 10+2 with 50% marks or Senior Secondary with 50% marks from a recognized Board of School Education and 2-year Junior Basic (JBT) Teacher’s course/ Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed.) from an institute affiliated to
Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education (HPBOSE).
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 2 years Junior Basic Teacher (JBT)/ Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed.)(by whatever name known).
Senior Secondary (or it s equivalent) with at least 45% marks and 2 years Junior Basic Teacher (JBT) / Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed.) (by whatever name known), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations, 2002.
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.)
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 2 year Diploma in Education (Special Education).
Graduation and two years Junior Basic Teacher (JBT)/ Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed.)(by whatever name known).
(ii) Pass in the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) for Class 1-V, to be conducted by an authority designated by H.P. State Government.
Note: Relaxation upto 5% in the qualifying marks shall be allowed to the candidates belonging to SC/ST/ OBC and PH categories.
Driver (H/V) (on contract basis) :
>Matriculation or its equivalent examination passed from the Board recognized by the H.P. Govt.
>Must possess valid driving license for the plying Heavy Transport vehicle with minimum three years driving experience. Provided that heavy transport vehicle license should be further endorsed for driving “public service vehicles bus.”
>Height 160cms(minimum).
Driver (L/V) (on contract basis)
>Should be a Matriculation or its equivalent from a recognized Board of School Education/ Institution.
>Must possess valid driving license for the plying heavy/ light vehicles in hilly terrain.
Auxiliary Nurse Mid Wife (on contract basis)
Matriculation or its equivalent with One and Half year Multipurpose Health Worker Training Course from a recognized institution and registered with Himachal Pradesh Nursing Council or any other recognized Nursing Council.
Peon (on daily wages basis
Should have passed Matric examination or its equivalent from recognized Board of School Education/ Institution.
Chowkidar (on daily wages basis
Should have passed Matric examination or its equivalent from recognized Board of School Education/ Institution.
Mali (on daily wages basis
Should have passed Matric examination or its equivalent from recognized Board of School Education/ Institution.
Beldar (on daily wages basis
Should have passed middle standard Examination.
Mess Helper (on daily wages basis
Should have passed middle standard Examination.
Sewerman (on daily wages basis
Should have passed middle standard Examination.
Age Limit :
The minimum and maximum age limit for post(s) mentioned at sr. no. 4 to 29 is 18 to 45 years, reckoned as on prescribed closing date for submission of application forms. The upper age limit is relaxable by five years for applicants belonging to reserve Category.
Application Processing Fee :
Category | Fees Category (B) | Fees Category (C&D) |
1.General Category {including general Physically Disabled i.e. Orthopedically disabled, Deaf & Dumb, Hearing impaired/W.F.F. of H.P./Ex-Servicemen of H.P. relieved from Defence Services on their own request before completion of normal tenure} | 2000/- | 1200/- |
S.C. of H.P./S.T. of H.P./O.B.C. of H.P./ EWS of H.P./ B.P.L. of H.P. (General-BPL/ SC-BPL/ ST-BPL/ OBC- BPL) { including S.C./ S.T./ O.B.C. Ex-Servicemen of H.P. relived from Defence Services on their own request before completion of normal tenure and SC/ ST/ OBC wards of Ex-SM of H.P. | 1000/- | 600/- |
3.Ex-Servicemen of H.P. (Ex-Servicemen, who are relieved from Defence Services after completion of normal tenure)/ Visually Impaired of H.P. | No fee | No fee |
The desirous & eligible applicants shall have to pay requisite application fee online by debit/credit card or internet banking, as the case may be, on or before the prescribed closing date for submission of online application.
Selection Process :
The Selection process for the posts category ‘B’ mentioned at Sr. No. 1 to 3 shall be the same as prescribed by the UGC vide Regulation 2018 adopted by University vide Notification No. 3-5/78HPU(Genl.) Vol. VIII dated 19-01-2019 and 21-11-2019.
SELECTION PROCESS for the post(s) of category ‘B’ at Sr. No. 4 to 9:-(i) Scheme of Examination:
Selection of Process | Marks |
1. Objective type written test in General Knowledge | 40 marks |
Subject aptitude test (SAT) in the concerned field and as per requirement of the post(s) | 100 Marks |
2. Interview/ Personality test | 60 Marks |
Total | 200 Marks |
(ii) Syllabus For Written Objective Type Examination:
Syllabus | No. of Questions | Marks |
1. General Knowledge (GK of Himachal Pradesh, India and International GK, the division of marks shall be 20,10,10 respectively) | 40 | 40 |
2. Subject aptitude test (SAT) | 100 | 100 |
3. Personality test/ Interview | — | 60 |
Total | 140 | 200 |
The Written Test Examination will be of two and half hours duration. The candidate’s qualified written test will be called for interview/ personality test in the ratio of 1:6+3 for each additional post. |
- SELECTION PROCESS for the post(s) of category ‘C’ at Sr. No. 10 to 23:-
(i) Scheme of Examination:
Process of Selection | Marks |
Written objective type examination | 85 Marks |
Typing/ Skill Test | Qualifying Nature |
Evaluation of documents | 15 Marks |
Total | 100 Marks |
(ii) Syllabus For Written Objective Type Examination:
Objective type screening test consisting of 85 Multiple Choice Questions of 85 marks (each questions will be 1mark each) as under:-
Duration : One and Half Hours
Syllabus | No. of Questions | Marks |
General Hindi | 20 | 20 |
General English | 20 | 20 |
General Knowledge including General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh, Current Affairs, Everyday Science and Social Science | 25 | 25 |
Logical, Numerical reasoning and Technical knowledge as per the requirement of posts concerned. | 20 | 20 |
Total | 85 | 85 |
The scheme of examination for the post JOA(IT) at Sr. No.13 shall be as under:
Syllabus | No. of Questions | Marks |
1. General Knowledge including General Knowledge of Himachal Pradesh, Current Affairs, Everyday Science and Social Science | 25 | 25 |
2. Knowledge of Computer / standards. Computer Application/ Information Technology/ Information Technology Enabled Sectors(ITES)/ Information Practices(IP) etc. | 60 | 60 |
Total | 85 | 85 |
Official Site | HPU Shimla |
Official Notification | Click here |
Apply Online | Click here |
HPU Shimla Clerk, Driver, JOA (IT) & Other Posts Recruitment 2022
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