HPSSC Hamirpur Junior Engineer (Electrical) Post Code 829 Revised Result
Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission today declared the revised result of Written Objective Type Screening Test for the recruitment of 156 posts {Gen (UR)-56, Gen (EWS)-20, Gen (WFF)-02, OBC(UR)-25, OBC (BPL)-06, OBC(WFF)-01, SC(UR)-31, SC(BPL)-06, SC(WFF)-01, ST(UR)-06 & ST(BPL)-02} of Junior Engineer (Electrical) (on contract basis) Post Code: 829 as per the award list and ratio approved (1:3/1:4) by the Hon’ble Commission. The requisition to fill up these posts was received from the Chief Engineer (OP) North, HPSEBL, Dharamshala. HP and advertised vide advertisement No. 36-3/2020 dated 21.09.2020 and corrigendum dated 04.03.2022.
In response to this advertisement, 9205 applications were received out of which 7725 applications were provisionally admitted. The Written Objective Type Screening Test was held on 08.08.2021 in which 5566 candidates appeared and 2159 candidates remained absent. Out of total 5566 candidates appeared, the following 478 candidates have been provisionally shortlisted for further selection process.
829000017 829000029 829000058 829000067 829000077 829000095
829000130 829000143 829000149 829000165 829000168 829000223
829000228 829000264 829000267 829000295 829000301 829000356
829000363 829000371 829000388 829000423 829000428 829000466
829000473 829000495 829000503 829000526 829000536 829000540
829000542 829000572 829000612 829000660 829000693 829000706
829000710 829000722 829000741 829000775 829000821 829000837
829000850 829000862 829000871 829000903 829000954 829000960
829000979 829000997 829001055 829001139 829001160 829001173
829001177 829001180 829001234 829001238 829001239 829001242
829001268 829001271 829001273 829001286 829001319 829001321
829001329 829001335 829001346 829001357 829001364 829001368
829001389 829001393 829001398 829001411 829001412 829001429
829001436 829001439 829001459 829001465 829001500 829001505
829001516 829001531 829001541 829001543 829001545 829001573
829001585 829001596 829001597 829001610 829001615 829001631
829001650 829001652 829001662 829001671 829001677 829001679
829001690 829001693 829001697 829001704 829001711 829001718
829001728 829001757 829001770 829001780 829001801 829001813
829001847 829001876 829001903 829001913 829001916 829001949
829001996 829002017 829002027 829002030 829002065 829002066
829002075 829002080 829002127 829002159 829002181 829002225
829002237 829002263 829002271 829002286 829002294 829002310
829002314 829002327 829002333 829002344 829002349 829002405
829002413 829002414 829002415 829002446 829002449 829002462
829002502 829002509 829002513 829002518 829002522 829002535
829002544 829002591 829002611 829002612 829002649 829002654
829002661 829002676 829002714 829002719 829002725 829002735
829002784 829002798 829002817 829002825 829002828 829002847
829002848 829002852 829002862 829002897 829002918 829002924
829002933 829002948 829003025 829003036 829003047 829003101
829003134 829003142 829003149 829003160 829003208 829003226
829003239 829003283 829003292 829003297 829003301 829003309
829003313 829003323 829003362 829003374 829003376 829003444
829003461 829003487 829003493 829003496 829003505 829003518
829003565 829003566 829003602 829003617 829003642 829003643
829003652 829003663 829003715 829003721 829003738 829003795
829003825 829003859 829003924 829003931 829003933 829003937
829003951 829003985 829004025 829004027 829004031 829004065
829004068 829004106 829004138 829004148 829004155 829004162
829004174 829004193 829004197 829004199 829004200 829004209
829004242 829004256 829004277 829004297 829004409 829004413
829004431 829004435 829004443 829004446 829004456 829004464
829004482 829004529 829004562 829004582 829004588 829004618
829004620 829004625 829004648 829004654 829004669 829004689
829004715 829004732 829004760 829004761 829004774 829004777
829004782 829004784 829004813 829004838 829004842 829004843
829004893 829004926 829004935 829004936 829004937 829004956
829004964 829004977 829004983 829004987 829005000 829005008
829005013 829005030 829005047 829005079 829005096 829005113
829005140 829005168 829005182 829005198 829005211 829005216
829005232 829005242 829005253 829005267 829005292 829005297
829005300 829005347 829005362 829005396 829005397 829005405
829005406 829005411 829005414 829005415 829005416 829005420
829005430 829005440 829005441 829005446 829005447 829005449
829005457 829005473 829005480 829005491 829005512 829005524
829005550 829005551 829005554 829005566 829005585 829005592
829005659 829005662 829005682 829005700 829005731 829005735
829005738 829005741 829005753 829005782 829005785 829005788
829005798 829005802 829005822 829005824 829005837 829005840
829005873 829005887 829005913 829005918 829005942 829005943
829005955 829005956 829005970 829005972 829005993 829006017
829006024 829006047 829006070 829006088 829006089 829006123
829006157 829006163 829006167 829006183 829006186 829006229
829006247 829006250 829006254 829006269 829006281 829006322
829006330 829006350 829006384 829006385 829006387 829006390
829006412 829006414 829006419 829006420 829006433 829006573
829006628 829006631 829006645 829006673 829006682 829006692
829006713 829006734 829006735 829006741 829006774 829006798
829006812 829006869 829006890 829006926 829006952 829006960
829006967 829006970 829006978 829006996 829007008 829007023
829007045 829007072 829007112 829007114 829007135 829007144
829007156 829007158 829007205 829007243 829007249 829007257
829007265 829007275 829007315 829007346 829007353 829007356
829007362 829007369 829007413 829007470 829007477 829007557
829007563 829007581 829007626 829007672 829007686 829007697
829007708 829007725 829007760 829007794 829007811 829007843
829007846 829007887 829007947 829007963 829007969 829007970
829007994 829007998 829008034 829008059 829008075 829008094
829008099 829008105 829008114 829008124
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15 marks of evaluation of the freshly shortlisted candidates will be conducted on 21st March, 2022 at 9:30 AM in the premises of the HP Staff Selection Commission, Hamirpur.
They are directed to bring all original Essential Qualification related documents, 15 marks of evaluation related documents, set of self attested copies of all documents, one ID proof and copy of downloaded application Form. In case a candidate does not appear for evaluation process on the day fixed for evaluation he/she will not be considered for further selection process and no further opportunity will be given thereafter. The candidates who were earlier shortlisted for 15 marks evaluation process conducted w.e.f. 13th to 16th December, 2021 need not to attend the evaluation process.
The Roll number wise detail is given above and also available on the official website of the HPSSC, Hamirpur (http://www.hpsssb.hp.gov.in).
Note: The result has been revised by the Commission keeping in view the revised breakup of posts provided by the requisitioning authority vide letter no. 200117/SK/2022-18870-71 dated 22.02.2022.
While every care has been taken in preparing the result, possibility of inadvertent / technical error cannot be ruled out. The Commission reserves the right to rectify the same later on.
HPSSC Hamirpur Junior Engineer (Electrical) Post Code 829 Revised Result
Read Also : History of Himachal Pradesh