HPSSC Hamirpur JOA IT Post Code 903 Written Exam Result
Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission today declared the result of Written Objective Type Screening Test for the recruitment of 82 posts {Gen (UR)-36, Gen (EWS)-10, Gen (WFF)-02, OBC(UR)-14, OBC (BPL)-01, SC (UR)-12, SC(BPL)-03, SC (WFF)-01 & ST (UR)-03 } of Junior Office Assistant (IT) (on contract basis) Post Code: 903 held on 19.12.2021 as per the award list and ratio approved (1:10) by the Hon’ble Commission. The requisitions to fill up these posts were received from various departments/ board and advertised vide advertisement No. 37-1/2021 dated 08.04.2021 and addendum dated 19.08.2021.
In response to this advertisement, 46581 applications were received out of which 41665 applications were provisionally admitted.
The Written Objective Type Screening Test was held on 19.12.2021 in which 20833 candidates appeared and 20832 candidates remained absent. Out of total 16207 candidates appeared, the following 842 candidates have been provisionally shortlisted for further selection process i.e. typing skill test.
903000089 903000102 903000146 903000153 903000190 903000198
903000215 903000221 903000270 903000320 903000366 903000380
903000485 903000559 903000567 903000608 903000649 903000701
903000706 903000735 903000802 903000857 903000900 903000908
903000985 903000997 903001059 903001086 903001103 903001199
903001203 903001204 903001291 903001541 903001564 903001582
903001592 903001593 903001618 903001638 903001704 903001723
903001812 903001815 903002071 903002116 903002117 903002150
903002207 903002237 903002304 903002316 903002369 903002424
903002428 903002492 903002520 903002532 903002723 903002741
903002781 903002788 903002792 903002820 903002825 903002885
903002952 903002993 903003095 903003268 903003393 903003402
903003477 903003486 903003522 903003618 903003640 903003644
903003854 903003857 903003871 903003878 903003924 903003935
903003977 903004002 903004218 903004246 903004287 903004329
903004342 903004350 903004369 903004421 903004463 903004542
903004548 903004579 903004612 903004745 903004750 903004756
903004768 903004785 903004809 903004893 903004894 903004936
903004991 903005025 903005088 903005220 903005275 903005300
903005313 903005327 903005365 903005387 903005415 903005427
903005447 903005475 903005484 903005555 903005600 903005607
903005624 903005629 903005655 903005689 903005733 903005753
903005814 903005831 903005892 903005947 903005967 903005970
903006036 903006046 903006062 903006093 903006097 903006245
903006250 903006269 903006383 903006408 903006410 903006476
903006552 903006691 903006699 903006727 903006737 903006739
903006799 903006888 903006898 903006971 903006974 903007081
903007111 903007112 903007142 903007144 903007196 903007213
903007231 903007236 903007304 903007378 903007410 903007434
903007436 903007498 903007522 903007540 903007541 903007563
903007572 903007591 903007647 903007651 903007660 903007698
903007725 903007751 903007789 903007825 903007826 903007947
903008027 903008034 903008074 903008087 903008170 903008249
903008251 903008304 903008312 903008337 903008363 903008375
903008522 903008539 903008587 903008591 903008616 903008619
903008661 903008665 903008681 903008741 903008757 903008762
903008770 903008799 903008819 903008857 903008934 903009008
903009032 903009040 903009047 903009072 903009157 903009211
903009247 903009264 903009385 903009399 903009500 903009514
903009538 903009614 903009621 903009634 903009708 903009952
903009984 903010017 903010117 903010172 903010184 903010194
903010195 903010212 903010418 903010457 903010487 903010540
903010604 903010667 903010678 903010811 903010812 903010818
903010862 903010953 903010962 903010977 903011048 903011055
903011058 903011103 903011181 903011238 903011301 903011314
903011372 903011388 903011396 903011408 903011418 903011453
903011533 903011565 903011586 903011597 903011643 903011651
903011657 903011718 903011743 903011778 903011816 903011904
903011914 903012093 903012097 903012128 903012154 903012183
903012217 903012254 903012281 903012355 903012412 903012434
903012489 903012506 903012624 903012674 903012756 903012787
903012873 903012941 903012977 903012988 903013091 903013171
903013181 903013195 903013252 903013254 903013267 903013270
903013290 903013347 903013353 903013445 903013503 903013587
903013607 903013669 903013732 903013751 903013770 903013775
903013794 903013877 903013963 903013988 903014031 903014040
903014091 903014134 903014151 903014153 903014308 903014326
903014363 903014391 903014405 903014406 903014418 903014442
903014444 903014455 903014469 903014496 903014579 903014640
903014644 903014741 903014743 903014900 903014931 903014942
903014946 903014948 903014954 903014981 903015035 903015059
903015099 903015256 903015265 903015366 903015421 903015463
903015476 903015545 903015582 903015624 903015666 903015711
903015740 903015766 903015903 903015934 903016056 903016152
903016169 903016218 903016283 903016348 903016436 903016443
903016496 903016502 903016517 903016569 903016617 903016647
903016832 903016847 903016866 903016952 903017017 903017125
903017169 903017341 903017510 903017535 903017585 903017659
903017661 903017795 903017968 903018005 903018015 903018054
903018082 903018120 903018175 903018372 903018530 903018574
903018603 903018623 903018719 903018784 903018800 903019009
903019024 903019065 903019073 903019151 903019170 903019191
903019310 903019329 903019524 903019537 903019557 903019572
903019614 903019650 903019665 903019675 903019696 903019735
903019770 903019946 903019950 903019953 903019991 903020100
903020112 903020176 903020297 903020299 903020303 903020372
903020408 903020605 903020636 903020833 903020853 903021020
903021071 903021123 903021138 903021158 903021244 903021306
903021408 903021521 903021635 903021754 903021783 903021826
903021854 903021864 903021865 903021988 903021996 903022003
903022009 903022066 903022084 903022150 903022187 903022315
903022427 903022508 903022620 903022718 903022742 903022793
903022826 903022881 903022946 903022992 903023001 903023154
903023178 903023251 903023262 903023324 903023382 903023394
903023395 903023423 903023519 903023555 903023577 903023802
903023813 903023834 903023891 903023903 903023933 903023938
903023952 903024085 903024116 903024118 903024142 903024144
903024151 903024184 903024188 903024281 903024284 903024363
903024411 903024459 903024527 903024625 903024664 903024797
903024827 903024940 903024974 903025111 903025233 903025352
903025360 903025370 903025383 903025386 903025392 903025399
903025653 903025706 903025744 903025851 903025856 903025979
903026030 903026034 903026099 903026194 903026203 903026293
903026317 903026341 903026360 903026493 903026500 903026585
903026623 903026714 903026778 903026781 903026909 903026961
903027073 903027136 903027411 903027437 903027504 903027509
903027516 903027524 903027606 903027793 903027800 903027810
903027920 903027939 903027954 903027964 903028062 903028121
903028160 903028216 903028230 903028252 903028287 903028316
903028360 903028409 903028412 903028419 903028479 903028487
903028493 903028541 903028566 903028599 903028622 903028643
903028773 903028788 903028879 903028993 903029028 903029080
903029139 903029179 903029396 903029443 903029468 903029495
903029574 903029577 903029689 903029693 903029711 903029741
903029779 903029795 903029804 903029836 903029860 903029933
903029959 903029989 903030038 903030056 903030066 903030193
903030204 903030265 903030330 903030363 903030382 903030401
903030430 903030464 903030493 903030545 903030571 903030617
903030659 903030696 903030764 903030815 903030832 903030912
903030925 903030972 903030990 903031079 903031170 903031208
903031217 903031254 903031304 903031371 903031383 903031412
903031481 903031565 903031709 903031977 903032065 903032092
903032107 903032131 903032169 903032181 903032261 903032341
903032398 903032453 903032579 903032617 903032695 903032697
903032796 903032805 903032822 903032869 903032966 903032969
903032980 903033009 903033024 903033035 903033047 903033151
903033175 903033204 903033209 903033213 903033220 903033446
903033504 903033616 903033658 903033806 903034007 903034009
903034024 903034053 903034062 903034095 903034143 903034282
903034300 903034575 903034800 903034917 903034993 903035042
903035051 903035237 903035279 903035348 903035509 903035613
903035646 903035778 903035901 903035957 903036019 903036047
903036073 903036226 903036228 903036270 903036274 903036399
903036460 903036472 903036489 903036561 903036605 903036633
903036755 903036803 903036956 903036982 903037104 903037238
903037302 903037394 903037433 903037470 903037537 903037618
903037781 903037828 903037831 903037899 903037905 903037964
903037966 903038043 903038073 903038172 903038236 903038272
903038320 903038348 903038581 903038678 903038691 903038715
903038739 903038776 903038781 903038825 903038832 903038842
903038934 903038936 903038939 903039107 903039191 903039198
903039270 903039417 903039425 903039433 903039523 903039553
903039751 903039769 903039848 903039853 903039885 903039901
903040007 903040084 903040099 903040228 903040244 903040303
903040368 903040371 903040388 903040418 903040431 903040436
903040472 903040478 903040506 903040544 903040589 903040609
903040625 903040651 903040851 903040899 903040911 903040916
903040925 903040939 903041140 903041199 903041328 903041376
903041383 903041394 903041427 903041462 903041547 903041583
903041595 903041642 903041720 903041865 903041900 903042005
903042016 903042026
Typing skill test of the shortlisted candidates will be conducted w.e.f. 5th to 7th May, 2022 at 9:30 AM in the premises of the HP Staff Selection Commission, Hamirpur.
The Roll number wise detail is given above and also available on the official website of
the HPSSC, Hamirpur. (http://www.hpsssb.hp.gov.in).
While every care has been taken in preparing the result, possibility of inadvertent / technical error cannot be ruled out. The Commission reserves the right to rectify the same later on.
HPSSC Hamirpur JOA IT Post Code 903 Written Exam Result
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