HPSSC Clerk Post Code 839 Final Result
Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission today declared the final result for the recruitment of 19 posts {Gen (UR)-05, Gen (EWS)-02, OBC(UR)-02, SC (UR)-07, SC (BPL)-01 & ST (UR)-02 } of Clerk (on contract basis) Post Code: 839. The requisitions to fill up these posts were received from the various departments and advertised vide advertisement No. 36-3/2020 dated 21.09.2020.
In response to this advertisement, 69087 applications were received out of which 64221 applications were provisionally admitted for written objective type screening test. The Written Objective Type Screening Test was held on 17.10.2021 in which 20076 candidates appeared and 44145 candidates remained absent.
Based on the performance in the Written Objective Type Screening Test of 85 marks, 205
candidates in the ratio of 1:10 were called for Skill Typing Test conducted on 28.05.2022 in which 175 candidates appeared and 30 remained absent. Out of 175 candidates, only 64 candidates have qualified the skill test.
Based on the performance in the Skill Test Typing, only 64 candidates have been shortlisted for further selection/evaluation process on the basis of the merit of written objective type screening test and were called for further evaluation process based on various documents as per the government notified parameters dated 17.4.2017 which was conducted on 19.09.2022. Further 57 candidates appeared and 06 candidates remained absent and candidature of 01 candidate has been rejected by the Commission. The Commission has compiled the result of 19 posts of Clerk (on contract basis) Post Code: 839. The candidates bearing following Roll Numbers have been declared successful;
Sr. No. Roll No. Name of the candidate Total Marks Deptt. Allotted
1 839001441 RAJAT SHARMA 77.95 DC KULLU
2 839003803 ASHISH KUMAR 82.81 DC MANDI
3 839007743 NISHA 71.78 DC SIRMOUR
4 839008673 RAHUL DHIMAN 77.74 DC KULLU
5 839010215 PANKAJ SHARMA 78.08 DC MANDI
6 839015650 RAJAT DHIMAN 74.68 DC SIRMOUR
7 839016043 ATASH SHARMA 73.18 DC KULLU
8 839024117 SUNIL KUMAR 69.50 DC MANDI
9 839028975 YOGESH KUMAR 75.76 DC KULLU
10 839032498 KRISHAN CHAND 70.72 TECH.EDU.ITI
11 839032504 VINAY KUMAR 72.63 DC SIRMOUR
12 839033586 RAHUL 76.18 DC SIRMOUR
14 839053373 MONIKA BHAT 73.15 DC KULLU
15 839054931 REKHA PATIYAL 70.16 DC KULLU
16 839060468 TASHI TANDUP 69.31 DC SIRMOUR
17 839060836 ROSHAN LAL 71.49 DC SIRMOUR
18 839061857 SUNIL KUMAR 77.06 DC KULLU
19 839063753 ANAND SHARMA 83.36 DC MANDI
(Total: 19 Candidates)
Download Official Notification
The marks secured by the successful candidates and departments allotted to them have also been shown against their roll numbers. The result is also available on the official website of the HPSSC, Hamirpur. (http://www.hpsssb.hp.gov.in). The result has been declared as per the instruction contained in ECI letter No. 437/6/2009-CC&BE dated 5th March, 2009 regarding enforcement of Model Code of Conduct.
While every care has been taken in preparing the result, possibility of inadvertent/technical error cannot be ruled out. The Commission reserves the right to rectify the same later on.
HPSSC Clerk Post Code 839 Final Result
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