HPPSC Shimla Lecturer (School-New) Political Science Final Result

HPPSC Shimla Lecturer (School-New) Political Science Final Result – On the basis of the performance of candidates in the Written Objective Type {Screening Test & Subject Aptitude Test (SAT)} followed by Document Verification for the post(s) of Lecturer (School-New) Political Science, Class-III (on contract basis) in the Department of Higher Education, H.P.

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HPPSC Shimla Lecturer (School-New) Political Science Final Result-Overview

Recruitement BaordHPPSC Shimla
Name of PostLecturer (School-New) Political Science,
Class-III (on contract basis) in the Department
of Higher Education, H.P.
No. of Posts102 Posts {UR =39, UR(WFF) =1, SC OF HP
=21, SC OF HP(WFF) =1, SC OF HP(BPL) =3,
=17, OBC OF HP(BPL) =3 & EWS OF H.P.
Date of Screening Test & Subject Aptitude Test09-06-2024
Date of Declaration of Shortlisted candidates 07-01-2025
No. of Candidates shortlisted198+9=207
Dates of Document verification of shortlisted candidates20-01-2025 to 29-01-2025 excluding
25-01-2025 & 26-01-2025

Selected Candidates List

Sr. No. Roll Nos. Name(s) of selected candidates S/Sh./Ms. Category

  1. 90605505 Manish OBC of HP against UR
  2. 90603657 Aman Sharwan UR
  3. 90600288 Nishant Thakur UR
  4. 90604686 Beena Devi UR
  5. 90604090 Ravi Supahia UR
  6. 90602123 Kapil Dev EWS of HP against UR
  7. 90603651 Rachna Kumari UR
  8. 90606317 Preetika UR
  9. 90600278 Chhunku Ram ST of HP against UR
  10. 90605289 Rajni Devi OBC-BPL of HP
  11. 90601850 Ajay Kumar OBC of HP against UR
  12. 90604893 Reena Devi UR
  13. 90605971 Shilpa Kumari UR
  14. 90602992 Piyush UR
  15. 90604974 Neena Kumari UR
  16. 90605938 Priyanka Devi UR
  17. 90604208 Renu UR
  18. 90604995 Mukesh Kumar UR
  19. 90603246 Mamta Devi UR
  20. 90604405 Roop Singh UR
  21. 90605509 Manoj Kumar EWS of HP against UR
  22. 90601325 Kamlesh Kumari UR
  23. 90603116 Ghasitu Ram EWS of HP against UR
  24. 90600723 Virender Kumar UR
  25. 90602777 Devender EWS of HP against UR
  26. 90600995 Sunil Kumar EWS of HP against UR
  27. 90602017 Shubham Thakur UR
  28. 90603815 Tej Singh EWS of HP against UR
  29. 90601229 Diksha Chauhan UR
  30. 90604841 Vivek Sharma EWS of HP against UR
  1. 90600451 Jai Bharti UR
  2. 90603868 Virender Kumar OBC of HP against UR
  3. 90606136 Rajeev Kumar UR
  4. 90601504 Navdeep Singh UR
  5. 90604876 Litesh Kumar EWS of HP against UR
  6. 90602337 Kamlesh ST of HP against UR
  7. 90602158 Bharti EWS of HP
  8. 90604952 Chhyal Singh EWS of HP
  9. 90604892 Chaman Lal SC of HP
  10. 90606514 Rakesh Kumar ST of HP
  11. 90600139 Bandna EWS of HP
  12. 90600262 Dharam Singh EWS of HP
  13. 90601496 Ajay Kumar OBC of HP
  14. 90605272 Nitin Kumar EWS of HP
  15. 90600771 Pooja Sarta SC of HP
  16. 90603961 Deeksha Chaudhary ST of HP
  17. 90603721 Tamesh Kumar OBC of HP
  18. 90605851 Kuldeep Kumar ST of HP
  19. 90606384 Vijay Kumar SC of HP
  20. 90602253 Ravinder Kumar ST of HP
  21. 90602194 Ghanshyam Singh EWS of HP
  22. 90606143 Sheetal Sharma OBC of HP
  23. 90605435 Ajay Kumar EWS of HP
  24. 90603556 Rishi Kumar SC of HP
  25. 90603119 Kesar Singh EWS of HP
  26. 90604823 Nirmla Devi EWS of HP
  27. 90600573 Nikhil SC-BPL of HP
  28. 90600359 Pankaj EWS of HP
  29. 90600760 Suman EWS of HP
  30. 90600681 Ankesh Dehal OBC of HP
  31. 90606141 Priyanka Devi EWS of HP
  32. 90602327 Ankush SC of HP
  33. 90602892 Nitin Choudhary OBC of HP
  34. 90600626 Kaur Singh SC-BPL of HP
  35. 90605832 Sonika Devi OBC of HP
  36. 90603557 Akshay Kumar SC of HP
  37. 90601577 Prem Pal SC of HP
  38. 90603957 Rishi Kumar SC of HP
  39. 90604085 Vikram SC-BPL of HP
  1. 90602254 Akshay Kumar OBC of HP
  2. 90604822 Kashmir Singh OBC of HP
  3. 90600945 Geeta Devi SC of HP
  4. 90600661 Sonam Choudhary OBC of HP
  5. 90606416 Vivek Thakur OBC of HP
  6. 90600636 Tripta Devi SC of HP
  7. 90605399 Urvashi SC of HP
  8. 90601249 Pooja Devi SC of HP
  9. 90604946 Shashi Kumari SC of HP
  10. 90603785 Vivek OBC of HP
  11. 90603291 Manoj Kumar SC of HP
  12. 90602643 Tej Singh OBC of HP
  13. 90605176 Anuj Kumar OBC of HP
  14. 90604215 Sonam Chhopel ST-BPL of HP
  15. 90603884 Sneh Lata SC of HP
  16. 90605468 Sandhira SC of HP
  17. 90602625 Shashi Kumar SC of HP
  18. 90600152 Lalita SC of HP
  19. 90601307 Neetu Bala OBC of HP
  20. 90602154 Sandeep Kumar OBC of HP
  21. 90600993 Dharam Pal OBC-BPL of HP
  22. 90604919 Manoj Kumar OBC of HP

Download Official Result

Note:- The result in respect of 10 posts has not been declared in pursuance of the interim orders of the Hon’ble High Court of H.P. in CWPs No. 15208/2024, 647/2025, 856/2025, 1120/2025, 610/2025 and 1741/2025. This is not the final merit list and the final result alongwith merit list shall be published upon the basis of final outcome of the above mentioned CWPs.

  1. The final appointment of candidates being recommended is subject to verification of their documents /certificates by the Govt. of Himachal Pradesh.
  2. The result is also available on Commission’s website at www.hppsc.gov.in/ hppsc.

Although every care has been taken in preparing the result, possibility of inadvertent/ technical error cannot be ruled out. The Commission reserves the right to rectify the same later on.

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