HP Police Constable Solved Question Paper 2022 Part-1

HP Police Constable Solved Question Paper 2022 Part-1

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Choose the option having similar meaning to Capital Word

  1. PIOUS
    (A) Religious
    (B) Sympathetic
    (D) Faithful
    (A) Restore
    (B) Recharge
    (C) Accelerate
    (D) Exhaust

Choose the option correct for the sentence.

  1. A Hater of knowledge and learning
    (A) Bibliophile
    (B) Philologist
    (C) Misogynist
    (D) Misologist

Choose the correct option for filling up the blanks.

  1. In………to picking up milk from the grocery store we also need to get some bread because my cousin ate all of it in past week.
    (A) further
    (B) addition
    (C) aftermath
    (D) besides

In each of questions given below, a sentence is given with three words in bold. Choose the option which gives the correct sequence of those words to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.

  1. The HP Ordinance not only conflict (A) guaranteed fundamental rights but is also in violates (B) with existing (C) personal laws.
    (A) ABC
    (B) CAB
    (C) BAC
    (D) ACB

6. The Supreme Court has been asking states to reservation (A) quantifiable data to justify (B) their level of produce (C).

Choose the correctly spelt word.

  1. (A) Harasment
    (B) Harrasmant
    (C) Harassment
    (D) Harresment
  2. A) Consensus
    (B) Concensus
    (C) Consencus
    (D) Consansus

Select the most appropriate option to change the sentence from Direct Speech to Reported Speech and vice versa.

  1. ” I am going out tonight” Luxmi said
    (A) Luxmi said that she was going out tonight.
    (B) Luxmi said that she was going out that night.
    (C) Luxmi said she was going out that night.
    (D) Luxmi said that she will be going out that nnight.
  2. The King ordered that they should celebrate their victory.

(A) The King said, “One should celebrate their victory”.
(B) The King said, “I order everyone to celebrate”.
(C) The King said, “we should celebrate our victory”.
(D)The King said,” We may celebrate”.

The given phrase in bold may or may not contain an error. The options following can replace the incorrect phrase. The correct phrase that is to be replaced will be your answer.

  1. Everything is funny as long as it “IS HAPPENING TOO” somebody else.
    (A) has been happening for
    (B) could have happened to
    (C) was happening to
    (D) is happening to

Choose the correct meaning of the idiom as underlined.

  1. Everyone likes her since she always remains in high spirits.
    (A) talkative
    (B) cheerful
    (C) well dressed
    (D) courteous
  2. He was a King who ruled his subjects with a high hand.
    (A) oppressively
    (B) kindly
    (D) sympathetically.

Select the option which best expresses the sentence in Active/Passive voice.

  1. Somebody told me that there had been an explosion in the Mall.
    (A) I was told by somebody about the explosion in the Mall.
    (B) I was told about the explosion in the Mall.
    (C) I was informed that there was an explosion in the Mall.
    (D) I was told by somebody that there had been an explosion in the Mall

Choose the correct option for sentence improvement if any.

  1. He has fallen out with the girl he wanted to marry.
    (A) fallen off
    (B) fallen in love
    (C) fallen for
    (D) no improvement.
  2. It is the time the three years old is learning how to read and write.
    (A) was learning
    (B) has learning
    (C) must learn
    (D) no improvement
  1. निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा शब्द है बिजली का पर्यायवाची नहीं है ?
    (A) चपला
    (B) चंचला
    (C) तड़ित
    (D) ज्योत्सना
  2. निम्नलिखित में से स्त्रीलिंग है ?
    (A) माली
    (B) खत्री
    (C) चौधरी
    (D) धनवती
  3. उत्थान के विपरीतार्थक शब्द क्या है ?
    (A) पतन
    (B) उपकर्ष
    (C) ह्रास
    (D) उपकर्ष
  4. ‘वह’ का बहुवचन क्या है ?
    (A) वो
    (B) वह सब
    (C) वे
    (D) उन
  5. शुद्ध संधि चयन करें :-
    (A) पर+यिक्षक
    (B) परि+ईक्षक
    (C) परि+अक्षक
    (D) परी+इक्षक
  6. निम्न में से भावाचक संज्ञा कौन सी है ?
    (A) मिठास
    (B) मीठा
    (C) मिठाई
    (D) मिष्ठान
  7. “अधजल गगरी छलकत जाये” मुहावरे/लोकोक्ति का क्या अर्थ है ?
    (A) बड़े आदमी का दिखावा
    (B) आधी पानी से भरी गागर
    (C) छोटे आदमी का अधिक दिखावा
    (D) गगरी का छलकना
  8. शुद्ध वर्तनी का चयन करें ?
    (A) उतकंठित
    (B) उत्कंठित
    (C) उत्कंठीक
    (D) उत्कंठीत
  9. ‘जिसका जन्म पहले हुआ हो’
    (A) आग्रज
    (B) अग्रज
    (C) अग्रजा
    (D) अरगजा
  10. शुद्ध शब्द है :
    (A) आनुषंगिक
    (B) अणूशंगिक
    (C) अणुशंगिक
    (D) आनु संगिक
  11. सर्वथा भिन्न शब्द हैं :
    (A) अकेला
    (B) चुपचाप
    (C) सुनसान
    (D) एकाकी
  12. ‘जिस वस्तु को पाने की इच्छा की जाए’ के लिए एक शब्द है:
    (A) अलौकिक
    (B) अभीष्ठ
    (C) अनायास
    (D) अनोखा
  13. शुद्ध शब्द है :
    (A) कंठ
    (B) कण्ठ
    (C) कन्ठ
    (D) इनमे से कोई नहीं
  14. ‘व्याख्या’ का संधि-विच्छेद है : –
    (A) व्या+अख्या
    (B) वे+आख्या
    (C) व्य+अख्या
    (D) वि+आख्या
  15. ‘अवकाश’ का विलोम है –
    (A) उपकर्ष
    (B) अनवकाश
    (C) अनुपस्थित
    (D) छुट्टी
  16. इनमें से कौन सा शब्द संज्ञा है –
    (A) प्राथमिक
    (B) प्रथम
    (C) सुशोभित
    (D) इनमें से कोई नहीं

HP Police Constable Solved Question Paper 2022 Part-1

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