HP Panchayati Raj Department Panchayat Inspector & Peon Recruitment 2024

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It is notified for information of all the concerned that 01 post of Panchayat Inspector (on contract basis) and 02 Posts of Peon (on contract basis) are to be filled up in the Panchayati Raj Department by direct recruitment from amongst Persons with Benchmark Disabilities, for which applications on the prescribed format are invited from the desirous and eligible candidates who are bonatide resident of Himachal Pradesh. The applicant should possess minimum 40% permanent disability certificate issued by the Competent Medical Board i.e. District Medical Board or above.

Detail of Posts :

Name of PostNo. of Post
Panchayat Inspector01 (Deaf, Hard of Hearing)
1. One post for One Leg. One Arm and One Leg, Cerebral Palsy, Leprosy Cured, Dwarfism, Acid Attack Victims

1. One post for Autism Spectrum Disorder (M-Mild, Mol- Moderate). ID- Intellectual Disability, Specific Learning Disability, Mental Illness

Educational Qualifications :

Panchayat InspectorShould have passed bachelor’s degree in Arts or Commerce or Science or its equivalent from a recognized University or an Institutions duly recognized by the Central/ H.P. Government.
PeonShould have passed Matriculation Examination or its equivalent from recognized Board of School Education/ Institute.

Desirable : He/She should have knowledge of customs, manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing in the Pradesh.

Age Limit :

The age of the applicant should be between 18 and 45 years as on 1.1.2024. The relaxation in upper age limit is permissible upto 5 years as per instructions of the Government of H.P.

R&P Rules also provides that: “Provided that the upper age limit for direct recruits will not be applicable to the candidates already in service of the Government including those who have been appointed on adhoc or on contract basis:

Provided further that if a candidate appointed on adhoc or on contract basis had become over-age on the he/she was appointed as such, he/she shall not be eligible for any relaxation in the prescribed age-limit by virtue of his/her such adhoc or contract appointment:

Provided further that upper age limit is relaxable for Schedule Caste/Scheduled Tribe/ Other Backward Classes and other categories of persons to the extent permissible under the general or special order(s) of the Himachal Pradesh Government

Provided further that the employees of all the Public Sector Corporations and Autonomous Bodies who happened to be Government Servant before absorption in Public Sector Corporations/ Autonomous Bodies at the time of initial constitution of such Corporations/ Autonomous Bodies shall be allowed age concession in direct recruitment as admissible to Government servants. This concession will not, however be admissible to such staff to the Public Sector Corporations/ Autonomous Bodies who were/are subsequently appointed by such Corporation/ Autonomous Bodies and who were/are finally absorbed in the service of such Corporations Autonomous Bodies after initial constitution of the Public Sector Corporations/ Autonomous Bodies.

Pay Scale : Panchayat Inspector & Peon

Panchayat InspectorPay Matrix (38100-120400) (Contractual Amount per month Rs.22860/-) (60% of the first cell of Level-10 of the pay matrix under HP Civil Services, Rules, 2022)
PeonPay Matrix (18000-56900) (Contractual Amount per month Rs. 10800/-) (60% of the first cell of Level-1 of the pay matrix under HP Civil Services, Rules, 2022)

Selection Criteria : Panchayat Inspector & Peon Recruitment

Weightage of marksClass lllClass IV
Weightage for essential education qualification as per the R&P Rules (% of marks obtained in educational Qualification prescribed for the posts would be divided by 10)1010
Weightage for maximum disabilities as certificate by the medical Board/ Authorities
(40% to 59%)=2 marks
(60% to 79%) 4 marks
(80% to 100%) = 6 marks
Weightage for maximum additional qualification. (% of marks obtained would be divided by 25)40
Belonging to notified Backward Area of Panchayat, as the case may be. (Issued by SDO (c), Tehsildar/Naib-Tehsildar)11
Landless family/ family having land less than 1 Hectare to be certified by the concerned Revenue Authority. (Issued by SDO (c), Tehsildar/Naib- Tehsildar)12
Non employment Certificate to be effect that none of the family member is in Government/Semi Government. (Issued by SDO (c), Tehsildar/ Naib-Tehsildar)12.5
BPL family having family annual income (from all sources) below 40,000/-or as prescribed by the Govt. from time to time. [Issued by BDO (by taking) the authenticated entries in the ‘Parivar Register’ as the basis of such certificate]11.5
Widow/divorced/ destitute/ single woman. [Issued by BDO (by taking) the authenticated entries in the ‘Parivar Register’ as the basis of such
Single daughter/Orphan. [Issued by BDO (by taking) the authenticated entries in the ‘Parivar Register’ as the basis of such certificate]11
Training of atleast 6 months duration related to the post applied for from a recognized University/Institution10
Experience up to maximum of 5 years in Govt./Semi Govt. organization, relating to the post applied for (0.4 marks only for each complete year in case of Class-III posts and 0.7 marks only for each completed year case of Class-IV)23.5

Other Eligibility conditions:-

  1. The application must be submitted on the prescribed format only and self-attested recent passport size photograph must be pasted in the space provided in the application form.
  2. The eligibility of candidate for selection shall be reckoned as on last date of application.
  3. The applicant should possess minimum 40% permanent Disability Certificate issued by the competent Medical Board i.e. Medical Board or above. Such certificate in the event of selection for the post will be subject to verification by the competent authority.
  4. The candidate must be a bonafide resident of Himachal Pradesh.
  5. Incomplete application or received after due or not in accordance with the prescribed format shall not be considered and will be rejected straightway without any information to the candidate. No correspondence will be entertained to that respect. Therefore, the candidates are advised to ensure their eligibility for the post and submission of complete application form along-with relevant documents/certificates.
  6. The Department will not be responsible for any kind of postal delay.
  7. No TA/DA will be admissible.
  8. All the documents/certificate in original will have to be produced at the time of Evaluation. Failing which the candidature of the applicant will be cancelled/ rejected.
  9. In case any objection, the decision of the Special Selection Committee shall be final.
  10. The Departmental reserves the right whether to fill up the post or withdraw the advertisement at any point of time.
  11. Disputes, if any, shall be subject to Court jurisdiction at Shimla.

Last Date For Application :

The application alongwith relevant supporting/essential documents should reach in the office of Director, Panchayati Raj Department, Himachal Pradesh, Block No-27, SDA Complex Kasumpti, Shimla- 171009 on or before 07-03-2024, from Non-Tribal Areas and 18-03-2024, from Tribal Areas of Himachal Pradesh. Application Forms received after last dates and incomplete Application Forms shall be rejected summarily.

How to apply:-

The application must be submitted on prescribed format only, alongwith passport size photograph pasted thereon. Application Form dully filled in all respect alongwith self-attested photocopies of all relevant/ requisite documents/certificate as mentioned above, be sent through registered post/by Hand to the following address:-

Director, Panchayati Raj Department, H.P. Block No-27, SDA Complex Kasumpti, Shimla-171009.

The envelope containing Application Form should be super-scribed as follows:-

“Application for the post of… …..(Name of the post). (On contract basis)”

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