HP High Court Driver Exam Syllabus | Syllabus for the Post of Driver -HP High Court
Screening Test
Maximum Marks : 100
Time : 2 hours
A Screening Test(both in English and Hindi) consisting of MCQs carrying four choices for each question, out of which the correct answer shall have to be given, by the candidates on OMR sheets by blackening the appropriate circle or any other mode as suggested in the question paper-OMR sheet. Each question shall carry equal weightage of one mark. The Screening Test shall be touching the following topics:-
i) Testing the mechanical knowledge of automobiles,
ii) Duties and responsibilities as a Driver of the Government vehicles.
iii) Duty of driver of motor vehicle to give information to immediate superi or/incharge/controlling officer/police, in the event of an accident or an injury to a person.
iv) Role, duties and responsibilities as good samaritans.
V) Use of flag on vehicle, how and when to use, its maintenance and preservation etc.
vi) Maintenance of the vehicle records viz. Log book, Registration certificate, Insurances, accessories, etc.
vii) General upkeep and maintenance of the vehicle.
viii) Awareness level of traffic Signs, signalling, driving regulations, safety measures, etc.
ix) Awareness of emergency numbers, latest technology used in vehicles, pollution compatibility, insurance, etc.
X) Testing basic knowledge of first aid.
xii) Etiquettes, manners towards dignitaries their family members and colleagues.
xiii) General awareness about State of HP, Social, economic, geographical and political aspects etc.
The candidates qualifying the Screening Test shall be called for Proficiency Test, in the ratio of 1:5 which means 5 candidates against one vacancy.
Proficiency Test
Marks : 40
Proficiency Test of total 40 marks to be held to judge the practical ability of the driver to drive the vehicle and the committee, consisting of Member Secretary/Judicial Officer(s) and Technical Officers/offioials constituted by the Chief Justice, shall allot marks in the proficiency test out of forty (40) as per the performance of the candidate in the driving test. The candidate securing less than twenty four (24) marks shall be declared as disqualified.
Note-3:- Final merit list shall be drawn on the basis of marks obtained in Proficiency test.
HP High Court Driver Exam Syllabus
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