Educational Psychology And Pedagogy Question Answer (MCQ) For HP TET CTET Part -3

Educational Psychology And Pedagogy Question Answer (MCQ) For HP TET CTET Part -3

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  1. Which of the following method is best in changing the undesirable behaviour of the student?
    (A) Punish the child.
    (B) Bring to the notice of guardians.
    (C) To identify the causes of undesirable behaviour and manage remedial step.
    (D) Ignore the child.
    Answer : (C) To identify the causes of undesirable behaviour and manage remedial step.
  2. Which of the following is correctly arranged?
    (A) Encoding> Retrieval–Storage
    (B) Encoding>Storage-Retrieval
    (C) Storage->Retrieval-Encoding
    (D) Retrieval-> Storage–Encoding
    Answer : (B) Encoding>Storage-Retrieval
  3. Alexia is which type of learning disability?
    (A) Reading disability
    (B) Writing disability
    (C) Speaking disability
    (D) Listening disability
    Answer : (A) Reading disability
  4. Which of the following methods is considered the most scientific and objective method of studying behaviour?
    (A) Observational method
    (B) Experimental method
    (C) Survey method
    (D) Case study method
    Answer : (B) Experimental method
  5. Creative students are-
    (A) Convergent thinkers
    (B) Divergent thinkers
    (C) Extrovert
    (D) Very hard working
    Answer : (B) Divergent thinkers
  6. According to McDougall basic instinct ‘curiosity’ is related to which emotion?
    (A) Fear
    (B) Hate
    (C) Wonder
    (D) Hunger
    Answer : (C) Wonder
  7. Scope of study of child development is-
    (A) Study of different stages of child development
    (B) Study of effects of environment on child development.
    (C)Study of individual differences
    (D) All of the above
    Answer : (D) All of the above
  8. Who is the father of Experimental Psychology?
    (A) Wilhelm Wundty
    (B) G. Jung
    (C) Segmund Freud
    (D) None of the above.
    Answer : (A) Wilhelm Wundty
  9. According to Piaget the children are able to grasp the concept of object permanence and conservation in-
    (A) Sensory motor stage
    (B) Pre-operational stage
    (C) Concrete operational stage
    (D) Formal operational stage
    Answer : (C) Concrete operational stage
  10. Wats on and Skinner both contributed in which school of psychology?
    (A) Functionalism
    (B) Cognitive
    (C) Socio-cultural
    (D) Behaviorism
    Answer : (D) Behaviorism
  1. “Development is continuouS and slow process” according to which psychologist?
    (A) Kolesnick
    (B) Jean Piaget
    (C) Skinner
    (D) Hurlock
    Answer : (C) Skinner
  2. In which stage the intense and crucial socialization takes place ?
    (A) Adolescence
    (B) Pre-childhood
    (C) Adulthood
    (D) In the whole life
    Answer : (A) Adolescence
  3. Meaning of development of human values which are universal in nature is-
    (A) Indoctrination
    (B) Adoption
    (C) Imitation
    (D) Manifestation
    Answer : (D) Manifestation
  4. Who propounded the ‘laws of learning’ ?
    (A) Freud
    (B) Skinner
    (C) Thorndike
    (D) Adler
    Answer : (C) Thorndike
  5. ‘Ego’ is guided by-
    (A) Pleasure principle
    (B) Reality principle
    (C) Idealistic principle
    (D) General principle
    Answer : (B) Reality principle
  6. Who said, “Two children have no Common abilities”?
    (A) Hurlock
    (B) Sorenson
    (C) Crow and Crow
    (D) Adler
    Answer : (A) Hurlock
  7. Project method of learning is useful for which stage ?
    (A) Childhood
    (B) Pre-childhood
    (C) Adolescence
    (D) All of the above.
    Answer : (D) All of the above
  8. Thurston and Likert measurement is related to which of following?
    (A) Intelligence
    (B) Attitude
    (C) Values
    (D) Personality
    Answer : (B) Attitude
  9. Objective of evaluation is-
    (A) To declare Students pass / fail.
    (B) To know, what the child has learned.
    (C) Toknow the problems faced by the child in learning
    (D) All of the above.
    Answer : (D) All of the above
  10. Development of concepts is mainly a part of-
    (A) Intellectual development
    (B) Physical development
    (C) Social development
    (D) Emotional development
    Answer : (A) Intellectual development
  1. Which of the following is the verbal test of intelligence ?
    (A) Raven’s progressive matrices
    (B) Kohs block design test
    (C) Wechsler adult performance test
    (D) Stanford Binet test
    Answer : (D) Stanford Binet test
  2. Which psychologist described personality on the basis of traits?
    (A) Sheldon
    (B) Freud
    (C) Allport
    (D) Friedman
    Answer : (C) Allport
  3. Repeated association of undesired response with an aversive Consequence refers to-
    (A) Positive reinforcement
    (B) Aversive conditioning
    (C) Negative reinforcement
    (D) Modelling
    Answer : (B) Aversive conditioning
  4. Which of the following characteristic is related to effective counsellor?
    (A Authenticity
    (B) Empathy
    (C) Paraphrasing
    (D) All of the above
    Answer : (D) All of the above
  5. …… defined as overlapping or disturbance of different memory traces on each other.
    (A) Forgetting
    (B) Conditioning
    (C) Interference
    (D) Recal
    Answer : (C) Interference
  6. Which Educationist gave the idea of
    behaviorism in education system?
    (A) John Locke
    (B) Thorndike
    (C) Herbert Spencer
    (D) Watson
    Answer : (D) Watson
  7. Escape learning is an example of instrumental conditioning based On…… reinforcement.
    (A) conditioned
    (B) unconditioned
    (C) positive
    (D) negative
    Answer : (D) negative
  8. Cognitive therapy for the treatment of depression was proposed by-
    (A) Albert Ellis
    (B) Sigmund Freud
    (C) Aaron Beck
    (D) None of the above.
    Answer : (C) Aaron Beck
  9. Which one of the following is not aa type of intelligence as proposed by Gardner ?
    (A) Musical
    (B) Linguis tic
    (C) Logical Mathematical
    (D) Creative
    Answer : (D) Creative
  10. A child having Intelligence Quotient between 55-70 will be categorised as-
    (A) Mild mental retardation
    (B) Moderate mental retardation
    (C) Severe mental retardation
    (D) Profound mental retardation
    Answer : (A) Mild mental retardation

Educational Psychology And Pedagogy Question Answer (MCQ) For HP TET CTET Part -3

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