HPSSC/HPSSSB Hamirpur JOA (Accounts) Post Code 815 Final Result
Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission today declared the final result for the recruitment of 45 posts {Gen (UR)-11, Gen (EWS)-06, Gen (WFF)-01, OBC(UR)-07, OBC(BPL)-02, OBC(WFF)-01, SC(UR)-11, SC(BPL)-01 & ST(UR)-04, ST(BPL)-01} of Junior Office Assistant (Accounts) (on contract basis) Post Code: 815, in response to requisitions received the Executive Director (Personnel), HPSEB Ltd., Vidyut Bhawan HP Shimla-4 and advertised vide advertisement No. 36-2/2020 dated 18.06.2020.
In response to this advertisement, 8872 applications were received out of which 7572 applications were provisionally admitted for written objective type screening test. The Written Objective Type Screening Test was held on 27.12.2020 in which 149 candidates appeared and 429 candidates remained absent.
Based on the merit of Written Objective Screening Test held on 27.12.2021, 149 candidates were called for evaluation process on government notified parameters which was conducted w.e.f. 5th to 6th July, 2021. The Commission has compiled the final result of 45 posts of Junior Office Assistant (Accounts) (on contract basis) Post Code: 815. The candidates bearing the following Roll Numbers have been declared successful:-
Sr. No. Roll No. Name of the candidate Total
1 815000152 VIKAS 61.88
2 815000169 VASU DEV 55.76
3 815000405 NITESH KUMAR 43.36
4 815000513 VIVEK KUMAR 59.50
5 815000612 KISHORI LAL 53.04
6 815000707 SAROTI 61.28
7 815000773 SANJEEV KUMAR 56.75
8 815000843 SHIVANI KANGO 60.36
9 815000969 RANJNA KUMARI 54.96
10 815001030 RANJNA SHARMA 62.19
11 815001260 NARENDER PAL 58.74
12 815001340 RAJANI BALA 60.50
13 815001666 AJAY KUMAR 56.76
14 815001678 PANKAJ 56.87
15 815001679 ROHIT KUMAR 52.19
16 815001767 ASHISH KUMAR 52.22
17 815001850 SHAITAN SINGH 51.92
18 815002050 RITESH KUMAR SHARMA 73.25
19 815002300 VISHAL KUMAR 58.79
20 815002447 GURMEET SINGH 56.08
21 815002459 KULDEEP SINGH 62.88
22 815002714 MANISH SINGH 57.57
23 815002896 AKHIL SINGH 60.00
24 815003029 RAKESH 55.87
25 815003111 SATISH KUMAR 58.40
26 815003192 ARVIND KUAMR 54.72
27 815003381 KAVITA 52.81
28 815003526 MAHENDER SINGH 63.10
29 815003541 YAGYA DUTT 55.44
30 815003603 SARITA DEVI 52.44
31 815003861 AMIT KUMAR 39.50
32 815004931 RAJWANT NEGI 53.13
33 815005041 KUMARI HEENA 53.45
34 815005292 MEHAR CHAND 58.40
35 815005835 MANISHA 48.40
36 815005867 MANOO 58.25
37 815005881 NITIN THAKUR 60.32
38 815005908 ANKIT KUMAR 56.74
39 815005955 JAI KRISHAN 56.24
40 815006095 NETTER SINGH 61.93
41 815006157 RAHUL 57.22
42 815006218 ARVAN KUMAR RATHOUR 56.90
43 815006704 AMIT KUMAR 60.35
44 815006767 ROHIT KUMAR 55.68
45 815006823 SUSHIL KUMAR 53.33
(Total candidates= 45)
The marks secured by the candidates have also been shown against their roll numbers. The result is also available on the web page of the HPSSC, Hamirpur. (http://www.hpsssb.hp.gov.in).
While every care has been taken in preparing the result, possibility of inadvertent/technical error cannot be ruled out. The Commission reserves the right to rectify the same later on.
HPSSC/HPSSSB Hamirpur JOA (Accounts) Post Code 815 Final Result
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