Jal Shakti Division Nohradhar Para Cook And Para Helper Recruitment 2025

Jal Shakti Division Nohradhar Para Cook And Para Helper Recruitment 2025 –Jal Shakti Division Nohradhar released notification for recruitment to the post of Para Cook And Para Helper for operation and up keep of rest house/Inspection huts on honorarium basis as performs fixed in the Para Policy of Jal Shakti Vibhag.

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Jal Shakti Division Nohradhar Para Cook And Para Helper Recruitment 2025 -Overview

Recruitment BoardJal Shakti Division Nohradhar
Name of PostPara Cook And Para Helper
No. of Posts02
Last date to reach application form22/02/2025
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Detail of Posts

Name of PostNo. of Posts
Para CookUR-01
Para HelperUR-01

Educational Qualifications :

Para Cook :

The candidate should have passed matriculation examination form a school/Institute situated within Himachal Pradesh. The condition of passing 10th from Himachali School shall not be applicable to bonafide Himachali.

The candidate must passess degree/diploma in any trade form Government approved Hotel Management Institute/ Institute of Hotel Management or Food Production Institute or Minimum 05 (Five) years experience in cooking /catering from any Government or Private Institute.

Para Helper :

The candidate should have passed matriculation examination from the Board/ University recognized by the HP Centre Govt.

Eligibility Criteria for Para Cook & Para Helper :

  1. Citizen of India.
  2. Bonafide of Himachali.
  3. Having Sound Mind.
  4. No family member of the candidate should be in kind of Government /PSU/Board job.
  5. Have never been involved in any act of criminal nature.
  6. Medically fit to perform duties.
  7. Permanent resident of the concerned Jal Shakti Circle.

Selection Criteria for Para Cook & Para Helper

Para Cook and Para HelperMarks distribution for Para Cook and Para Helper out of 10
Percentage of marks obtained to be calculated out of 10 (for example getting 50% marks will be given 2.5 )05
BPL family having annual income as prescribed from time to time01
Experience in the related field02
Skill test for engament of Para Cook and Para Helper02

Terms and Conditions of Services :

  1. The selected incumbent will be paid honorarium at the rate of Rs. 9000/- PM for Para Cook and Rupees 5500/- PM for Para Helper.
  2. The working hours for the incumbent shall be 6 hour per day.
  3. A Quarterly self-reporting format (to be devised by the Jal Shakti Department) would be filled by the Para Cook and Para Helper and submitted to the Junior Engineer, concerned. Based on this, at the end of every financial year, a consolidate report would be placed (on a format to be devised by Jal Shakti Department) for certification of satisfactory work and conduct. This certificate shall be electronically sent to the concemed Superintending Engineer, for record,
  4. Unsatisfactory performance may result in termination of appointment by passing an order. The process of termination shall however not be completed unless at-least 3 notices have been served upon the incumbent on a specific charge and there has been no improvement in service delivery, the concerned Junior Engineer would have to substantially put down in written the reason for such termination and this would need to be need countersigned by concerned Assistant Engineer based on record.

Documents to be attached with the application Form :

  1. Matriculation examination from a School/Institution situated with in HP.
  2. Degree/Diploma in any trade from Government approved Hotel Management Institute/Institute of Hotel Management or Food Production Institute or Minimum 05 Years Experience in Cooking/Catering from any Govt. or Private Institution with P.F details and account statement for the said period.
  3. Bonafide Himachali Certificate.
  4. Certificate regarding No family member of the candidates should be in any kind of Govt/PSU/Board Job.
  5. Character Certificate.
  6. Having Fitness Certificate.
  7. Having never been involved in any act of criminal nature.
  8. BPL Certificate not later than six months (if Any)
  9. Experience certificate in the related field (if any)

Salary :

Para CookRs.9000/-PM
Para HelperRs.5500/-PM

How To Apply :

The application form neatly typed or handwritten in English/Hindi along with self-attested copies of relevant supporting documents should reach in the office of the Executive Engineer, Jal Shakti Division Nohradhar on or before 22.02.2025.

NotificationClick here

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